Over the past 4 months we have:
Said "goodbye" to many great friends,
Said, "hello" to cousins,
Spend some time in these monsters,
Attempted several family pics,
Made new best friends,
Celebrated the 4th of July,
helped Uncle Mark get married off,
Learned to crawl,
Swam a lot,
Ate a lot of pizza,
Spent 3 weeks living with these wonderful people,
Went to the zoo,
Ate lots of ice cream,
Made LOTS of pies,
Spent time with grandparents,
Turned 1,
Went to an apple orchard,
Laughed lots,
Said, "goodbye to diapers,"
Spent some time outside in this beautiful fall weather,
and, went to a pumpkin patch with these guys.
So, what have you been up to?
You have beautiful kids!